So the ObGyn said that they don't do water births because they can't monitor the baby properly. Makes sense. However during the majority of labour I can be in the tub. He also said since I plan on not getting an epidural I should dilate faster. Everyone thinks I'm nuts for waiting a drug-free delivery. But since I believe this is my first and last child, I want to experience everything. However, if I get pregnant again, I'll be getting as much drugs as possible I can guarantee that. The risks for spinabifada and down syndrome came back and were 1:4000, and 1:50000 (roughly) Regardless, the odds are SLIM TO NIL! I know my little girl will come out perfect! Also, since my last weighing (which was 130 lbs) I have gained only 2 lbs!!!! (132 lbs) Since the beginning of my pregnancy I have only gained 9 pounds which is pretty damn good. I also find pizza disgusting (for now anyway) so I hope cutting back on that twice a week huge carb intake will make a difference in how much weight I'll gain. I'm aiming to only be 140/145. Anymore than that and I will CRY CRY CRY for days. As soon as my birthday rolls around, I am pleading for a gym membership! I am determined to get back to my pre-preggo size (123 lbs) or even less than that! Size 3 here I come! Well another 4 to 5 months :(
144 more days!
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