Wednesday, November 17, 2010


6 days until my ultrasound!
38 days until Christmas!
44 days until 2011!
101 days until my baby shower!
152 days until baby is here!

Once 2011 rolls around, I think my pregnancy will be over in the blink of an eye. Just think, I've been pregnant for 125 days now (18 weeks) in double that time, it'll only be two weeks until my expected due date. I haven't been this excited to discuss numbers since - well, never! But I am counting down the days anxiously! I wish I could get a pregnancy chocolate calendar, like the ones you get a month before Christmas. Yummy chocolate for another 152 days! That'd be awesome.

Anyway, let's talk symptoms.
My stomachs been cramping a lot lately. Feels like gas pains (without the gas) or heartburn, sometimes it feels like mild period cramps. Obviously this is all very normal and the pain is my uterus growing. Last night my diet was pretty lousy: cucumbers, cookies, pizza, popcorn, Burger King..... I had terrible pains in my stomach. I felt like I was going to puke. My boyfriend rubbed my tummy for a good half hour and it felt better. If it was our little one moving around in there causing ruckus, he really does calm down when Daddys around. Brat! LOL I cannot wait until he/she gets here!! Ahhhh!!

By the way! The cravings that I've been having lately are: Pizza!!!! Perogies, slushies, fries supreme and as of late, Lucky Charms. I've yet to indulge my slushie and fries supreme craving!

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