I met with a social worker yesterday and we discussed my game plan. By the end of summer I will be living on my own - I will be on assistance, have subsidized daycare, and be in high school. Ok ok this is not 100% as I need subsidy to contact me so I can tell them I'm returning to highschool - I'll be high priority and they'll get me in, this is what the worker told me anyway! After two quads of highschool, I'll be going to College. Providing I can get OSAP and get accepted into the program that I want to do. After College, I will get a job. If I can't find a job, I'll get back on assistance. My program is 2 years, my boyfriend is starting his program in September and I'm hoping by the time he is done and in his career, we'll get a place. We'll see - though, things are starting to set in motion. I'm just relying on subsidy! Come on!!!!!!!
Alexia is still the name....
My baby shower is set and I just hope I get everything I need! My boyfriend has a job which is giving him a lot of hours so that's a relief! At least I know that I'll be able to get diapers!
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