Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How did you know?!

The most commonly asked question I get is: How did you know you were pregnant? Or, what made you take a test? How did it happen?

My cycle is fairly regular, 29 to 31 days. I was on my 34th or 35th day when I decided to take the test. I noticed that my boobs were becoming sorer than usual; they're tender when I'm PMSing but this was just, not normal. It felt like I had a pair of bricks on my chest. The day I found out, my boobs felt like cement blocks.

Anyway, I told my boyfriend and my Mom that I was concerned and of course, boyfriend thinks nothing of it because I had myself tricked into believing that I was in fact, no doubt about it, infertile. Ha. My Mom, on the other hand, suspected I was pregnant. Boyfriend bought me First Response (it came with 2 tests) and he went home because he had family coming over.

I've taken countless pregnancy tests in the past and every single one of them were negative. I have never been pregnant. I thought this was going to be another negative and my period was just being a bitch. Well, my period really was being a bitch because it wasn't planning on visiting any time soon.

2 PINK LINES! I was in shock. My Mom was in shock. I cried. She cried. She called all of her friends to tell them the news. I texted mine. My best friend tried to convince me that sometimes tests are wrong and I should take the other test tomorrow morning when my hCG levels are highest. I took it. Positive. She then reassured me and told me that a blood test is the most accurate and I should wait til that test came back positive ...and then freak out.

I called my boyfriend and told him what the evil piss test said and he almost died. He cried. Screamed. Begged. It was terrible. He wanted me to have an abortion. He accused me of doing this on purpose. I found myself crying and defending the little guy inside me, and told him that if he wanted to break up and have no part in our relationship and our child's life then so be it, he can leave. I was willing to give up my boyfriend, whom I love so much, for a 5 week old sperm cell. But it was my 5 week old sperm cell.

At 8 weeks I got my first ultrasound. It's heart was beating. 160 BPM. Til then I had sincerely considered abortion, but after that, after seeing a LIVING person inside of ME, there was no way in fucking hell. My boyfriend finally understood, and now accepts the fact that he is going to be a father and believe it or not, he loves this fetus with all of his heart.

I am now 13 weeks pregnant and as you have read, I have shitty symptoms. My boyfriend and I got an ultrasound (well it was more me getting an ultrasound and him watching in awe) at 12 weeks. The baby was kicking and I swear he/she has his bum! I know he's happier than ever after seeing that! I am too! I cannot wait until I feel him/her move!

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