Friday, May 6, 2011

Milk Machine

Breastfeeding was hard at first. She had a terrible latch; pinched my nipple hard with her gums. I was only producing colostrum, and very little of it too, making Violet frustrated and me wince in pain. My nipples were bleeding by day 4 or 5. I began pumping to relieve myself; my boobs were so swollen, hard and sore! Pumping helped a lot and gave my nipples a much needed break. However, I now have nipples of steel and I produce a lot of milk. I can pump 3 oz in 10 minutes, I'm a champ! Violet has been abusing me though, she uses me as a pacifier for when she's fussy. I don't mind, but she does this mainly at night and by then I'm way too tired and sore (recovering from a c-section is not easy!) so she sucks, and sleeps on my chest all night. This is bad, co-sleeping, because she now hates her crib. I'm hoping to ween her off the crib soon... but maybe tomorrow night. Maybe, ha ha.

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