Saturday, February 19, 2011

Seven days!

left until my baby shower! I bought a dresser off of kijiji for 35 bucks. It's usable. White. The drawers lack sliders/gliders, whatever the hell they're called, so I need to see if I can fix that! I also want new knobs. But overall, excellent purchase! I just need the crib and I am ready for baby!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Angry Bird

I fell the other day and had to go to the hospital ... just to make sure Alex was OK! And she is! I seen her on the ultrasound too, terrible quality mind you, and she's such a fatty! Already in position, I wish she'd come out already! But then seeing her looking all big and ready for the world made me extremely nervous because I feel totally unprepared!

I have also grown horns. I am a real big bitch lately! Emphasis on BIG!
I'm also nesting. So basically I am a very, very angry pregnant bird.

From Tumblr

Pregnant Woman Down!
So I fell on ice. I was waiting for this to happen. My sister fell right on top of me and of course, we just laughed because I wasn’t about to start freaking out on the street (I’ll save that for home) but a woman (who knows I’m pregnant) stopped her car and asked if I was okay and if I wanted a drive, but I said no and claimed I was fine. Now I’m sitting at home panicking because I have cramps and I haven’t felt her move. Should I go to the hospital?
Pregnant Woman Up!
I called my OB and they told me to go to triage (emergency room for preggers) just to be safe! So, I fell around 8:30 this morning and got to the hospital at 10 …they monitor the baby’s heart beat four hours after the fall and since I got there an hour and half after I was only hooked up ‘til 12:30. Her heart beat dropped to 111 and then shot up to 200 which worried the nurse … but everything went back to normal. I got blood taken twice, one in each arm … how wonderful. I also got an internal. Now, let me tell you that there is absolutely NO privacy whilst pregnant. I had to spread my legs for three women. I didn’t even get to prepare before hand (didn’t shower yet, didn’t shave either … embarrassing!) I also had an ultrasound and got to see her big ol’ head, but the machine was old and I couldn’t see much of her facial features! I really want to know what she looks like! But all is well and I’m glad I went just to be safe. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


66 days left and my belly/my baby is getting huge! Moving a lot! I spoke with the nurse yesterday for almost two hours and I now have a lot of questions to ask my OB.
"How many people can be in the delivery room?"
"Should I have a birth plan ready?"
I have to talk with him about the actual delivery as well (positions, mobility, monitoring)

Things are coming together pretty well for the shower. We ordered the cake already, have the room ready, got a lot of decorations, and the list of people just keeps getting bigger. I'm just anticipating getting my room finished for the little one!

I slept 12 hours last night and I'm still exhausted...early night again. And a very freaking boring weekend ahead of myself...very lonely too. Sighhhhh.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Moon Child

I had my OB appointment today and now weigh 144 lbs and 3/4. I gained 4 pounds in less than two weeks. THAT IS RIDICULOUS! This baby better weigh as much as the moon because I am gaining way too much weight.
I just had a pretty good weekend with my boyfriend; he was at my house from Friday night until ...a few minutes ago. We talked a lot. Had a lot of sex haha. Good weekend. I have realized that everything that has happened in the past is irrelevant to our lives now and that in order to move forward and have an awesome relationship and take care of our child, I need to let go of my grudges.

70 days left! Come on Alex!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Alexia Kairi

So here is the name! Alexia Kairi.
Matthew and I both agreed on Alex as the FN but Alex cannot just be her name, she needs a full name and so, Alexia it is. Plus, Alex/Lex/Lexi/Lexia are all cute nicknames! Kairi was Matthew's one and only favourite name and he always talks to my belly and calls her Kairi. I think it's adorable!
I'm more than likely going to use my last name but I might put his second last. It's a little long but if we do get married (wouldn't that be nice!) then I can just knock off my last name.

75 days left until we meet you, Alexia!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sans Trust

"Are you cheating on me?" is probably the least effective way to determine if your s/o is in fact, being unfaithful. He looked me dead in the face and said no. But his tone sort of put me off. I asked him what he considers cheating and he said, "action," I then told him that while action is in fact cheating, emotional involvement with someone else is equally unacceptable -- I don't know if he fully grasped what I was saying. DON'T TALK TO GIRLS MORE THAN ME AND ENJOY THEIR COMPANY MORE THAN MINE! Asking him that and hearing his answer eased my mind a little ...but not completely. Who in their right mind say, "why yes dear, I am cheating"

He's also been working more. He's joined a gym. And he's not selling his e-bike.
He's going to night school. Then college in September.

I'd be lying if I said I trust him completely. I'd be lying if I said I trust him at all. Even when he's texting me I still think, "he's probably texting another girl..." We've been together for well over a year, we're having a child, but I am not assured that he's 100% as in this as I am. He can't even say I love you for fuck sakes.

75 days until the babys here....