Sunday, November 6, 2011

Even though no one reads my blog other than myself, I'll make a post just for the hell of it.
Violet is 6 months old and here's what she can do:
Roll onto back from belly, and belly to back.
She can sit up unassisted
Sit up from a laying down position
She crawls backwards
She screams and says mamamamama
She can pull herself up
She can stand for several seconds without support

I think it'd be easier to list the things she can't do! Which is hardly anything. She loves to eat but doesn't have teeth yet, which makes me too scared to give her anything other than purees.
Her hair is growing in, and it's coarse in the back and curling. I'm so excited for it to grow long so that  I can put her hair in pony tails.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

6 weeks

I haven't posted in awhile but heres an update --
Violet was last weighed at 4 weeks putting her at 10 lbs 1 oz. I recently tried her on formula but she refused it. She's been smiling a lot more and laughing in her sleep. She's interested in her toys -- she stares and tries touching them. She's outgrown her NB clothes.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I love my daughter, but I am incredibly unhappy. I have no life. I never see my friends. I'm always alone. I need a change. What is it?

Friday, May 13, 2011


Not a fan of dress up, just a die hard fan of boob.
Totally her father's daughter.


At Violet's last appointment (2 weeks old) she weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces! Doc said she's gained a lot quicker than most two week olds; "keep doing what you're doing," he said! Proud mama.

I'm not moving. Matt is gonna help my Mom out, and she'll basically be our roommate. I'll get into more details when I have two hands to type with -- currently rocking Vi to sleep.